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Activating Windows 7

Activating Windows 7 is a little bit tricky to some who have the knowledge in doing so (maintenance or IT technicians, etc), but not for the ones who have their copies of the product keys that can be found at the back (mostly) of the packaging when you buy your own copy of the Windows 7 Operating System.

Someone else ask me if I do have the software that could activate a windows seven (win7) operating system. I'm wondering if there's any other way to activate the operating system aside from using a genuine or original copy of Windows 7 OS installer, which can only be bought from specific websites and local shops that were given the appropriate rights to sell the Windows installer CDs and DVDs. I have known a lot of Computer Technicians and out of ten, only two or three were having the genuine installers, the rest, let just put it this way; I can't buy that software since I don't have money so I will try to find any recourse to have it for free. Right! As for me, there are cracks or pre-activated installers out there (I prefer to buy the genuine installer from accredited windows shops local or on-line), that can be downloaded from a particular websites that has been monetized but most of them will ask you to pay some bucks, maybe $1 to $5, I don't know, depending on the owners. I, myself, can help any newbies or those people who are trying to activate windows 7 to make it genuine and bypass everything and avail all the rights and privileges of the software, but its good to have the genuine one which can be booth online or in your local stores authorized to sell the OS installers.

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